Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Advancing "One Water" Through Arts and Culture: A Blueprint for Action

"The US Water Alliance believes that arts and culture can move the needle for One Water management—an approach to water management that is inclusive and integrated to ensure a sustainable water future for future generations...

The urgent and multifaceted nature of our water challenges calls for new ways of thinking, acting, and investing. Water leaders across the nation are embracing the One Water approach—managing water resources in a more integrated, inclusive, and sustainable manner in order to secure a bright and prosperous future for our children, communities, and country.

ArtPlace America and the US Water Alliance believe there is tremendous opportunity to utilize arts and culture strategies to advance One Water. As creative thinkers and doers, artists can be powerful partners for water leaders seeking to reimagine traditional approaches to water planning and management and connect with communities in new ways.

Our partnership has been a collaboration in the finest sense of the word. Together we learned about each other’s sectors, challenged assumptions, and have developed a powerful framework for how to use arts and culture to forge One Water progress. We are so inspired by the creative ways that utilities, environmental groups, public agencies, and other water practitioners are collaborating with artists and cultural leaders. But it is only the beginning."
Read the full report here

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