Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ocean Science Animation Student Videos

Hey everyone!

So great to meet you all at the FSML meeting.  Faerthen, thanks so much for starting this.  I mentioned a collaboration that I had with the USC Animation department when I was the director of the COSEE program at USC.  Here's a link to those student videos.



  1. Thanks Judy! I watched a few of these and they are great--is the program still ongoing?

    Do you think the videos provide function in addition to scientific illustration? For instance, how does the creation process alter the trajectory or perception of the students making the videos? What are the goals of the program and how has it been used?

  2. I'm also curious how this came about. Did you just go out and set it up by yourself, or does USC have an Arts Institute of some kind that enables collaborations like that?

    The UC Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA) blog has a column of links to art resources at the various UC campuses. It's pretty handy, but also remarkable how variable the campuses are.

  3. Hi Faerthen,

    Thank you! Sorry for my delayed reply. We did not follow up on how the project functionally impacted the students involved :-(. USC has a very dynamic and progressive film school. I met the chair of the Division of Animation and Digital Arts program through the Wrigley Institute of Environmental Studies director (my boss at the time) and we just started talking about how cool it would be to do something like this.
